
  • "This experience was powerful and unexpected. Our team was surprised, engaged, and thankful. Everyone was really impressed with the experience and quality of the performers/musicians."

    — Compassionate Coaching customer and beneficiary

  • "I really love what Erin is doing here.... If you're in the end-of-life business, if you're a bereavement professional, just call Erin. I can't say enough about it."

    — Naomi, Lay To Rest Funeral Home

  • "Best experience you have never had before!"

    — Compassionate Coaching customer and beneficiary

  • "This workshop was transformative. I was deeply moved throughout."

    — Rhonda C.

  • "I felt lighter walking away from that session than I have in years."

    — Anonymous

  • "The Storytelling Workshop was everything I hoped it would be and more.... I felt excited about my work and much more refreshed after attending. Thank you!"

    Molly Hicks, music therapist and bereavement professional

  • "If you want to experience something that will reconnect you with humanity, attend a Compassionate Coaching Playback performance. Our human connections are beautifully revealed."

    — Maureen, Founder Navigating Change and Loss

  • "Thank you for the amazing work you do! This was such a touching session and I will never forget it. "

    — Erica S.

  • "Compassionate Coaching's Healing Workshop provides a restorative space for clinicians. Especially for counselors who work with Hospice and Palliative care patients/families."

    — Felicia Allen, MDiv, GC-C

  • "​I was apprehensive about the "buy in" of some of my colleagues. I was delighted to see everyone fully engaged and willing to share."

    — Bill, GW SMHS CLASS Center

  • “The entire program from Playback to the facilitated discussion was well executed by Erin and her team. It was personalized to our team's needs which made it more impactful. I found the experience to be "joyful" and accomplished the goals that were set for the retreat.”

    — Eileen

  • "This was fantastic. So much to mine, so excited to carry this forward. This helped recenter me and also helped the community gathered to be connected to one another in a new and exciting way."

    — Natalie R

  • "Erin and John, your authenticity is a gift! You and your colleagues are incredibly talented. Thank you for the time you spent with us! You were able to quickly create a space for us to share a collective vulnerability, a place where we could slow down and be reminded of how much we are alike in our desire for connection and that so many of us have the same struggles and fears. Thank you for reminding us of what it means to be truly seen and heard and how we can be be more mindful of sharing that gift with others through deep listening."

    — Anonymous

  • "Erin has a lovely way of making space and holding space for persons to be vulnerable and open up in amazing ways in the context of a short workshop, even with strangers who do similar work. Erin is gifted with compassion, empathy and the capacity to utilize her own vulnerability to create a healing environment."

    — The Rev. Christine E. Reimers, Ph.D., Hospice Chaplain, Capital Caring Health

  • "I approached Erin about this project... I had no idea of the scope she would approach it with. She is incredibly professional, thorough, dedicated, and compassionate. It was a wonderful and transformative experience."

    — Bill, GW SMHS CLASS Center

  • "Storytelling is healing, it connects us, it is empathy in action and we need more of this in the grief and end of life community space."

    Donna Marie, Whole Life Death Doula, Owner of Best Life Wellbeing, End of Life, Love Legacy and Companion Care group

  • "Today’s performance made me feel like I was in a very safe space to be vulnerable and feel very connected to others."

    Karen Beverly

  • "I think Compassionate Coaching is a step in the right direction towards building team cohesion. I think smaller teams could benefit from this experience as a starting point to help build stronger team dynamics and communication."

    — Anonymous

  • "I have sat through a lot 'trainings' on listening, I feel like every organization do these so employees can work together, but this was different.... Erin creating this safe space to talk and finally having Asali also listening to stories to bring it together in a song was just something else. Asali's abilities to bring it home with a song is something I think everyone should experience in any moment of anguish in their life."

    — Rebecca K

  • "Loved the space you created, Erin! It was a warm and safe space to practice and share. I felt like it was a wonderful opportunity to learn and grow. Thank you!"

    — Tanya

  • "I need more of this! Erin was fantastic, she was very insightful and helped me understand my areas of concern better.... I felt very empowered and my leadership skills improve after role playing with Erin. Thank you so much, Erin!!!"


  • "I didn't know what to expect going into this session, but Erin providing a welcoming space and immediately made everyone feel comfortable. I was able to take a step back and reflect on my own gaps in communications and I learned a lot of great new techniques. Thanks, Erin!"

    — Samantha

  • "Erin has a natural gift for facilitating groups, making each member feel valued and heard."

    — Leslie

  • "Erin and I worked closely together to fashion a retreat that spoke to the needs of my community. She, along with John and the Playback Theatre, truly listened and modeled for us not only how to be fully present to another as well as offer us the unique opportunity to be seen and heard in community. Cannot recommend highly enough!"

    — Natalie R.

  • "Compassionate Coaching is a unique and introspective experience. Erin and her team provided a positive and impactful approach to how our Leadership team can incorporate "joy" in their work no matter how stressful the work may be. I think everyone could benefit from the 'Compassion Coaching" experience."

    — Eileen

  • "When watching the playbacks of our team's stories, it really highlighted to me that shared experiences can be interpreted and understood in such different ways and that all are valid. It was a poignant reminder that our professional experience with a patient/family may be different than their personal or emotional experience with us and to be aware and active in addressing any dissonance."

    — Aaron

  • "This workshop was liberating. I felt very supported, included and heard."

    — Renda

  • "I absolutely loved it!"

    Jan Mitchell, Founder of She Moves Forward Inc.

  • "What a great and unique experience-- to be seen and heard and validated is such a basic human need -- by conducting these workshops the actors give full life and breath to stories and make those stories real and alive."

    Lisa Djahed, Death Doula

  • "The Compassionate Coaching's Storytelling Workshop blew me away. The way the actors play back the audiences personal stories is deeply moving. And each has relatable elements for everyone in the audience. They connect us at a different level. These programs are a gift to humanity."

    — Maureen Desmond, Navigating Change and Loss

  • "It was a different experience that allowed me not only to speak but to listen and be acknowledged.... Finally, there is hope for healing and recovery."

    — Anonymous

  • "There was healing and bonding as a result of the Performance and engagement."

    — Jean Lupinacci