We help overwhelmed end-of-life and bereavement staff
love their work again.

Support For Individual End-Of-Life Workers

Storytelling Workshop

Lately, you’ve been:

  • Feeling isolated

  • Going through the motions

  • Emotionally exhausted or numb

You’ve noticed your heart isn’t in your work like it use to be. You just don’t feel like yourself. You’ve even thought about leaving the EoL / grief field. You can’t believe how different you feel compared to when you first entered the field.

Now, imagine feeling:

  • Rejuvenated

  • More joyful in your work

  • Connected to others in the field

The good news? It’s possible. At our virtual Storytelling Workshop, you will reconnect to your own “why” and feel bonded to others in this field.

You’ll feel less alone. You’ll feel a weight lifted. You’ll feel more like yourself.

“The Storytelling Workshop was everything I hoped it would be and more…. I felt excited about my work and much more refreshed after attending.”
Molly Hicks, music therapist and bereavement professional

Our next Storytelling Workshop is taking place on Thursday, September 26th, 7:00 to 8:00 PM Eastern on zoom! Click below to register for it!

Communication Skills Coaching

Imagine having conversations with your clients — the grieving, the dying, and their loved ones — and knowing that you are communicating empathetically.

Imagine walking out of a room after a really difficult conversation with a family member, knowing you:

  • Understand where they are coming from

  • Communicated everything you wanted to share, compassionately, and

  • Made their life a little easier

Imagine that these challenging conversations about death, dying, and grief can

  • Take less time

  • Be more impactful

  • Have fewer misunderstandings

Imagine knowing exactly what to do (and what not to do) when a client or family member has an emotional response that you weren’t prepared for.

It can happen.

“I need more of this! Erin was fantastic, she was very insightful and helped me understand my areas of concern better…. I felt very empowered and my leadership skills improve after role playing with Erin. Thank you so much, Erin!!!”

In our Communication Skills Coaching, you will work with a Communication Skills Coach and a Professional Role Player to practice the challenging conversations that are keeping you up at night.

You’ll learn tips, tricks, and time-saving tools to ensure you are communicating effectively and compassionately.

You’ll build your confidence so that the next time that challenging situation arises, you’ll know exactly what to do (and not do,) what to say (and not say.)

Intrigued? Click the button below to schedule a call!